
· rivet's blog

These instructions are mostly specific to Macs with Homebrew but I guess the concept would work on general Linux/Unix systems as well.

Pre-work steps: #

  1. Have GPG configured, ideally with a hardware Yubikey
  2. Have SSH configured, ideally with GPG hardware key (notes below)
  3. Have soft-serve installed and configured on a docker (a.k.a "remote-server")

Cheat-sheet of commands #

brew update
brew upgrade
brew install pass
brew install pass-otp 
brew install pass-git-helper
pass init
pass git init
pass git remote add origin ssh://remote-server:23231/pass
pass generate Test/ 21
pass git push -u --all
ssh user@remote-server -p 23231
pass Test/
pass edit Test/
curl -sSL | bash -s -- firefox

Lastly install the Firefox Plugin:

Support URLs: